Monday, December 1, 2008

Please Discuss: The Shark

I am posting this for those who were not able to attend but would like to see the show.

I'd also love to discuss the play, as I've not really had a lot of meaningful discussion about it.

Please, if you would like, watch the low-quality streaming video of "The Shark" at

I apologize for the quality.

The written script, if you wish to keep along, is available here

Sample discussions:
The logic of cannibalism.
self-destruction vs human nature
the logic of murder


me said...

Sorry, I guess the link I had previously given for the script doesn't work.

Try This:

BurnPTCruisers said...

i thought in itself is a wonderful play, but even better when contextualized with the worm, providing a great deal of contrast, and opening you up for the sharp, violent jabs of the shark. i haven't watched the clips online in sequence and seen how it works standalone. probably are many portions that i may have overlooked in the one time that i saw the play. thanks again for posting this!