Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sorry for the hiatus

Natty is very correct....I have been somewhere between the ceiling and the floor with a noose around my neck. Between the stock market, economy, and UW football...

But yes, we must get together and have a couple beers so I can help explain what's going on. Honestly, if anybody tells you they know what's going on, they are full of $h!+ and you should ignore them.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Survey Of Sorts

I'm interested to know, from all of you non-theatre folks (and you too, Michelle, if you want to join in) what it would take to get you to go out and see more theatre.

All of you are very supportive of the work that I have done in Seattle, and come to see the shows I've acted in, the shows I've directed, and the shows of Emerald City Scene. But that is a very tiny percentage of theatre in Seattle. What I'm curious about is this:

a) if you enjoy the shows you come to see that I am involved in


b) if you do enjoy them, why not go see other companies productions?


c) if you have seen other companies productions, which ones? and did you like them?


d) how could a theatre company grab your attention and get you to come see shows, if you aren't affiliated with someone involved in the show?

If and When I come back to Seattle, I'll be working on forming a new "company" and I'm very interested in these responses.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

A little levity, please...

I saw B-squared recently, but due to a rousing round of "The Farmer's Game," neglected to get a good explanation of the current financial buggery our country seems to be undergoing. I guess that will have to wait until next time (if we make it that long). But while I check CNN.com obsessively during class, I am always amused by the stock photos they use to describe the meltdown. They particularly enjoy to capture the angst of the poor brokers, sitting on the floor of the NYSE with their heads in their hands, amidst the litter of the tickertapes and whatever the hell else it is they throw around down there. Fortunately, somebody funnier than me has put together a collection of these sad brokers and, since this is the Internet, has added witty captions (image 15 is my favorite). Click any of the pictures to start the slideshow. Bonus: I also just discovered an entire website devoted to this emerging fad.

And to burnPTCruisers: I'm not trying to deviate from the desired format for this blog. I've got another bigger post in the planning states, but this blog has been quiet for a while so I thought I'd try to liven it up a bit :)